Mental Health

Mental health barriers may prevent students from achieving their full academic potential. Anxiety, depression, attention deficit, and family problems are examples of issues that many students face today.
Grandville takes both preventative and intervention measures to help our students reach their full potential. 
  • Within our schools, students and staff follow the be nice model of the Mental Health Foundation. Nice stands for notice, invite, challenge, empower: Notice changes in someone's personality or behavior. Invite yourself to listen non-judgmentally and start a conversation about the changes you've noticed. Challenge the stigma of getting help. Empower yourself to have an effect on how others think, act and feel.
  • Our teachers and staff have attended training in mental health first aid, enabling them to spot the first signs of mental illness and take action.
  • With the passage of the 2017 Kent ISD millage, Grandville added staff specifically to address student mental health, even for students who don't have an Individualized Education Plan. Our mental health staff provides intervention within our schools and makes referrals to community mental-health resources. 
If you think your child needs help and don't know where to start, please talk with your school's principal or mental health clinician.