Photo Album

Students on Unified basketball teams play ball together, regardless of ability or disability. It's about both social inclusion and fun! We invited the Eagles and the Red Hawks to play against us on March 8. The power went out due to heavy wind gusts, making it difficult for the spectators to keep track of the score. But as you can see, there are things more important than the numbers on the scoreboard.

two boys going for a basket
girl in black jersey goes for a basket surrounded by peers
girl smiles going for basket during game
boy smiles getting ready to shoot a basket
boy with ball going for basket while opponent smiles
boy jumps in air whilst shooting basket
boy ready to shoot basket with his mouth open slightly
boy gets ready to shoot basket
three boys try to grab basketball under the net
boy shoots basketball
boy contorts himself in the air trying to grab ball
girl shoots basketball as teammate looks on
student shoots basketball while boy watches
Bulldog mascot slaps hands in audience
boy giggles as opponent tries to grab ball in the air
boy shoots hoop while other boy tries to stop it
cheerleader in pants is flying through the air while teammates have hands up to catch her
boy makes L sign with arms after shooting a basket
boy hands in mid air as he goes for a basket
boy runs down court while team and opponent chase him
boy in red jersey tries to block boy in black jersey on court
opponents in red try to block boy in black jersey
boy hangs in mid air after shooting basket
boy in black jersey hangs in air with basketball